Featured Restaurants
Restaurants who’ve partnered with us to help save you money.
Featured Restaurants
View our growing list of restaurants who’ve partnered with us to help save you money.
Featured Restaurants
View our growing list of restaurants who’ve partnered with us to help save you money.
Featured Restaurants
View our growing list of restaurants who’ve partnered with us to help save you money.
Featured Restaurants
View our growing list of restaurants who’ve partnered with us to help save you money.
View our full list here
How Our Program Works
Exclusive Discounts
Get discounts and offers from your favorite local restaurants.
Find new Favorites
Discover new delicious places you’ll love while saving money.
Support & Shop Local
Support a growing non-profit and shop small businesses near you.
Partnering Restaurants
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Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I know if a place is a Dine & Donate partner?
All of our partnering restaurants will have a printed sign on their window indicating they are members of the program. View our full list here.
How do the offers work?
All you have to do is show your Dine & Donate card to anyone at a participating restaurant and you’ll immediately be granted access to their discounts and exclusive offers.
How much is a membership?
Memberships are $19.99/month.
Where do the proceeds go?
All of the proceeds from the club memberships will go directly toward supporting the growth and development of our unique programs and services we offer the individuals we serve. Learn more about us here.
When will I receive a card?
You will receive a digital card that will be available immediately for use via email. All physical cards, please allow 7-10 business days for it to arrive.
If you need a replacement card click here.
How do I become a partnering restaurant?
Click here to learn more about becoming a Dine & Donate partner.