Rise Life Services Celebrates Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and at Rise Life Services, we’re committed to sparking vital conversations around mental health and to ultimately make life better!

Approximately 1 in 4 people worldwide will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their lives. That’s a staggering 25% of the world’s population. Depression takes the top spot as the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting over 264 million people. Anxiety disorders follow closely, impacting an estimated 284 million individuals.

Mental health affects us all. During this awareness week and beyond, let’s educate ourselves, support those in need, and work towards a world where mental health is prioritized. Our Elevations Clinic serves adults, adolescents, and children to diagnose and treat their mental illness, to work with the person in developing a plan of care designed to minimize symptoms and adverse effects of illness, maximize wellness, and promote recovery toward the achievement of life goals.

Learn more: riselifeservices.org/clinic

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